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 The company is one of the earliest belt conveyor manufacturers of National Machinery Ministry, which has been awarded the title of “Anhui Province Brand Product”, “Anhui Province Quality Management Prize”. With many years of experience, the company is ISO9001:2008certified , “Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Management System Certificate” and  owns “Safety Certificate of Approval for Coal Mining Products”.


Add:economical&technical development zone,tongling city,anhui proc.,prc 
Post code:244061
Tel: +86562-2686185
Fax: +86562-2686167

  皖公網(wǎng)安備 34070202000413號(hào)     備案號(hào):皖I(lǐng)CP備07006378號(hào)  
屏边| 灵武市| 黔西县| 辽阳县| 安远县| 天长市| 织金县| 连州市| 枞阳县| 偏关县| 观塘区| 奇台县| 乐山市| 婺源县| 襄垣县| 兰州市| 衡南县| 河南省| 繁昌县| 石嘴山市| 武隆县| 徐闻县| 咸宁市| 岳阳市| 桦甸市| 兴海县| 青州市| 塘沽区| 保康县| 闵行区| 内江市| 木兰县| 鹤庆县| 集贤县| 定安县| 长宁区| 奉节县| 灵石县| 修武县| 镇坪县| 北安市|