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Product infos:

ELV Disassemble Line

Promulgator: :admin  Send date: :2017-07-16
Product infos:

 The ELV disassemble line which has been developed and manufactured and mounted by TMMEC is (863 plan) project task for national high-technoloty research development. The ELV disassemble line includes enviromental pretreatment wire, oil liquied extracting air line, engine dismantling air line, ground disassemble plate link chain line and typical compoents dismantling line and other dismantling equipments. Dismantling efficiency has been improved and fine dismantling has been realized to drive recycled resources to be reused and the enterprise to be upgraded and transformed. 

Add:economical&technical development zone,tongling city,anhui proc.,prc 
Post code:244061
Tel: +86562-2686185
Fax: +86562-2686167

  皖公網(wǎng)安備 34070202000413號     備案號:皖ICP備07006378號  
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